I had some thoughts on something

I had some thoughts on sound as I was driving around but they escaped me as soon as they left my mind to be replaced for another thought. I have heard a lot from people that one should always carry a journal or some type of recording device to take notes but I have never been a person who could take notes on my thoughts or record them. I have always kept a visual diary in my mind. Flashes of ideas run like movies in loops. Sounds my trigger a loop or a glance or something I see helps the interior mind film loop connect to ideas. Then those synaptic connections help me make a physical object or sound wave or video of the once abstract electrical impulses in my brain.
I have always been prolific when it comes to art making. I do take breaks where I’m not actively making anything. Stay tuned more soon.


I don’t know what I don’t know


ableton live and push II