what does a sound object got to do with it?

Today I was out and about listening to sounds and complaining about walking on a trail. My wife says I’m grumpy.

But my focus was on sound objects. We had streaming music on and I thought about how the stereo system speakers are the veil of the acousmatic listening device and the phone the music is streaming from is another remove of the acousmatic. Or who knows maybe that’s being too pretentious and the phone and stereo system are the same damn whole and not separate of the listening experience.

The next thought I had was of the photo I took of the graffiti dumpster and could the picture be considered an acousmatic memory? Not sure yet. I don’t have anyway to prove my idea.

Does sound need to be present to be a sound object?, or can a punctum be a sound object?

Pierre Schaeffer said a sound object is an acoustic action and an intention of listening.

Ugh this is all phenomenological and Edmond Husserl might enjoy a go at figuring this out.

For now I’m making a picture of a dumpster with graffiti on it. The next faze of the project is to record some sounds by the dumpster. I’m gonna measure the dumpster length and record the sound several feet of walking distance from the dumpster. Why the measurement and walking away to record? Not sure yet. It seems to be the right thing to do for now.

Stay tuned more to come.


video trip to graffiti dumpster.


getting serious?